Here’s how to keep up-to-date with happenings around the NLC:
- Friday Footnotes – A weekly email sent on (you guessed it!) Fridays. There is LOTS of important info we share through the Footnotes, so please make sure you give them a read every week.
- Monthly Newsletter – “Neighborhood News” is sent out electronically at the beginning of each month, is posted here on the website under the “Parent Resources” link, is posted on our Facebook page, and is available near the Parent Info Board. Newsletter Archives are available here on the website.
- Website – (you found us!) – Updated frequently with monthly newsletters, monthly menus, monthly calendars, etc. You can also find helpful info such as Center forms and the Parent Handbook here.
- Facebook – Give us a Like! We regularly update our page with info about special events, photos, and other important info. In addition to our main Facebook page, we have a private group called “Active in the Neighborhood” for our current families and staff. Submit a join request and enjoy the frequent photos and fun tidbits about life at the NLC!
- Teacher Emails – Ensure you have your teacher’s email (and that we have your correct email on file).
- Parent Information Board – Located in the main entry, you can find calendars, notices, etc. all posted here.
- Annual Calendar of Events – Includes all the pertinent events for the entire school year! Pick up a copy near the Parent Info Board or visit our website under the “Calendars” link.
- Posted Flyers – At the Front Desk, on the front door…keep an eye out!
- Emails/Text Messages – Special emails are sent to notify you of illness exposure, special reminders, etc. In case of an urgent issue, such as a school closure, we will text and email.
NOTE: If you aren’t receiving emails from us that means we don’t have your correct info on file! Please see an administrative staff member so we can update your information.