April 22nd is Earth Day! This week we want everyone to reflect on what they are doing to keep our planet healthy. Get your children involved in anyway you can. Recycling and controlling water waste are habits, and habits can …
Busy Bees– Balancing
When they were babies, you eagerly anticipated the first time they rolled-over, sat up, crawled, stood and walked. Now that they are getting bigger, you might be wishing they would just slow down a little bit. However, many of the …
Get Busy Inside with Household Objects
Here are a few ways to use random household objects to turn your home into a safe and engaging jungle gym for your kids on rainy days. Kiddie pools aren’t just for water. They can hold a variety of things …
Busy Bees- Family Workouts
Family workouts are amazing. Your children learn how to be active through example, and the social bonding only reinforces the lesson. It’s good exercise for you and your kids. You get moving, and they get worn-out. It’s a win-win! Any …
Easter & Jesus: Duck Pond Lesson Plan
MondayStory: The Easter StorySong: He’s Got the Whole World in his HandsActivity: Egg Rescue- Get any small to medium box or storage container, painter’s or masking tape, plastic eggs or small balls, a couple of spoons (large or small depending …
Frog Hollow: Tricks for Eating Healthy
Good day, NLC parents! At school, Ms Elizabeth and I successfully fool some of your little ones into eating their fish sticks by saying, “It’s Chick-fil-A day!” Chick-fil-A again? Many toddlers are picky eaters, so we understand that it’s not …
Busy Bees’ Yoga
Yoga is a great activity. Unlike other exercises, it calms the body and the mind and even a few seconds of it can bring a rambunctious child to focus. At school, we often take several deep breaths, while raising and …
Easter Sensory Activities
Not only is sensory play fun, it is also educational for young children. It teaches children to use their senses – touch, smell, taste, look, listen. It can be clean or messy but most of all it is fun! It …
Busy Bees Play Sports
Sports are a fantastic way to teach children a variety of things. It gets their bodies moving, challenging a variety of gross- and fine-motor skills, as well as hand-eye-coordination. The small inconsequential failures teach them perseverance and emotional control. Socially, …
Bunnies & Baskets – Duck Pond Lesson Plan
MondayStory- Llama Llama Easter EggActivity- Easter Egg HuntArt- Paper Plate Bunny: So simple. Let your duck color (Any color will do. Markers or crayons are perfect!) a paper plate or paper circle. Add ears, eyes, and some whiskers! TuesdayStory- Where …